Thursday, April 10, 2008

Last month of Morningtide Sealed, part 2.

As I expected last week, Diviner’s Wand made the deck, and was amazing, when I saw it. However, I think that I’ve unintentionally angered the mana gods, as I had two of three games against the Captain in which I did not see more than one black source, if any at all. Overall it was a decent week. I ended up cutting Black Poplar Shaman, Scarred Vinebreeder, & Crib Swap in favor of Bosk Banneret, Winnower Patrol, & Diviner’s Wand. I also replaced the lone plains with a forest and in hind sight should replace Shimmering Grotto with a swam ( I am no longer running three colors so the Shimmering Grotto is not nearly as necessary).

Here is the Lorwyn Pack for next week:
Hamletback Goliath
Vivid Marsh
Kithkin Mourncaller
Flamekin Brawler
Spiderwig Boggart
Spellstutter Sprite
Lairwatch Giant
Giant’s Ire
Leaf Gilder*
Necksnap (#2)
Inner-Flame Acolyte
Runed Stalactite
Lys Alana Huntmaster*

I’ve marked the cards worth considering with an *.

Until next time, may the mana gods not hate you.

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