Friday, April 11, 2008

The Usual Crap

Section 1-Ask, and ye shall receive

So I was just bitching to Hot Sauce the other day about how they should totally reprint Skulltap. Probably I was upset about not drawing enough cards in my black decks. Anyways, I was going through the card preview archive for Shadowmoor today when lo, and behold...

I guess I should have been asking for a complete upgrade. This is teh nutz. I like drawing cards. I like commons. Sexay.

Section 2-Why do I have a sudden urge to play Flash?

Here's another one that I had somehow missed...

Okay, I know it's 8 mana. I know you only get it back once. I know it doesn't hit creatures. I know, okay? Still. This is definitely the type of card that gets the old best-case-scenario juices flowing.

I realize it's not as good as Hulk because it's not instant win, but Flash'ing this out kills 2 land, or a land and a mox or whatever and leaves you with a 5/5 trampler. Which is you know, good. Such a sexy reanimator target. Makeshift Mannequin anyone? It's not like you can't find ways to discard in the present standard.

Section 3- A Large Set? In Spring? You Bastards

With the Shadowmoor prerelease only a little over a week away, I find myself progressively more cheesed about the fact that Wizards is releasing a large set in spring. Don't get me wrong, I love me some cardboard crack and more cards is awesome. But I don't know what benefit we are getting here that we wouldn't be getting from a third set. Look, I know the primary motivation for the new SOP has to do with profit, but I did feel like R&D was going to do their best to make this totally worthwhile for us, given the extra scratch we'd (again) be laying out. When this was announced, I really (perhaps naively) expected that this was going to be awesome. Instead, I wonder how I am going to be acquiring chase rares from yet another 300+ card set. I could do what scoop_phase does and just ebay the money from redrafts and ignore my collection. But a large part of me really likes the collecting aspect of the game. Future Sight is the last set I didn't buy at least a box to crack and I really regret it. Sure, Tarmogoyf made that set eminently crackable, but didn't have the money at the time and it seems pretty pointless now that it's rotating in six months, especially with another large set barreling down the 'pike. I don't regret missing out on cracking Tarms anyways. What I really miss is having a random assortment of FS rares to loan people, trade, toss into EDHs and get deckbuilding fever from.

Section 4-A video



coyoeuglly said...

You cheated... you said you weren't going to be looking at spoilers.

Matt said...

I only look at the official site. I don't look at MTGSal. Sorry about the confusion.

Defender in Exile said...

I have a complete set of Rav (in theory). I believe it as CHK was complete. Also, I will be mailing back the Lorwyn Monday, so we can still rotisserie the Lorwyn at he next big gathering.

Also, I will have Intet at the store.

coyoeuglly said...

I would love to Rotisserie Champions.