Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Early Shadowmoor Thoughts.

I am pretty sure it is safe to say that I am the most competitive player that posts here. At least tournament wise. Some of you evil vile casual players are very competitive... you are just so evil you won't admit it.

But back to my point. Is it just me or are the cards that have been spoiled so far redick powerful?

Wilt-Leaf Liedge: Early Contender for best 4 drop ever?

Grim Poppet: Pretty sure he is better than Trisk in T1.

Order of the Whiteclay: There has to be a way to abuse that ability.

Demigod of Revenge: FU Blue.

Godhead of Awe: That is one very powerful ability.

Persist seems like an incredibly powerful ability.

Also for your unofficial spoiling pleasure: link

I have this weird suspicion that this will be TFW favorite card: link

Also on a side note. I love the art in this set. Most of it seems like it is going to be insane in foil.


Scoop_Phase said...

Speaking of F U Blue, if the Vexing Shusher (r+g; target spell can't be countered by spells or abilities) is a real card, that will be a finger into the eye of all blue players. And it's a 2/2 for rr/gg/rg that can't be countered. Seems good.

coyoeuglly said...

I am tempted to believe it is real. is generally really accurate. It is run by some old Moderators from

Granted this guys ability is incredibly powerful. I am not sure how playable he is going to be. He is going to fit best in an aggro deck or midrange (ex: Flow Aggro in Extended). Where mana is generally at a premium and speed is essintal. Adding RG to the casting cost of every creature you play seems really slow.

Interesting rules interaction. I assume Last Word does not counter a creature after a Vexing Shusher activated ability? Last Word can't be countered by spells or abilities. Granted the ability of Husher isn't countering anything. Just making something uncounterable. But counters it upon resolution because of no legal targets.

The Captain said...

I think last word says "by spells or abilities." Countered on resolution isn't a spell or ability, so it beats the spell.

I'm at work so i can't check oracle right now.

Defender in Exile said...

Last Word can't counter anything tagged by the Sheister. Last word resolves with no effect, but it's target isn't countered. The Sheister doesn't counter the spell, the state based effects of lack of legal targets counter the spell. Ergo a Cancel off of a Boseiju, Who Shelters All wouldn't stop a spell blessed by the Sheister. That's the Mitzvah of his ability.