Friday, March 28, 2008

Shadowmoor Wallpaper

Here is the newest glimpse of Shadowmoor. We have: Murderous Redcap, Reaper King, Grief Tyrant, Faerie Macabre and Ashenmoor Gouger. The Gouger is obviously red, while the Reaper King certainly looks Green. This means they are not in WUBRG order. Faerie Macabre is either Blue or Black, while the Redcap appears to be White(?). To me Grief Tyrant's possible color seems entirely ambiguous. Maybe the Tyrant is Blue and the Faerie Black. The Redcap's armor and weapon do not look at all White-aligned, so maybe the Kithkin-esque creatures of Shadowmoor have moved to Black. That would leave Grief Tyrant at White, which sort of makes sense. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Matt said...

They are hybrid.

Reaper King (W/U)
Faerie Macabre (U/B)
Murderous Redcap (B/R)
Grief Tyrant (G/W)
Ashenmoor Gouger (R/G)

Those are my guesses. Don't know why they wouldn't just go around the wheel, but Redcap has to be BR and Faerie Macabre has to be UB.