Saturday, March 29, 2008

Round 2-Carroll Draft

Fugie dropped after getting rolled so Major_luck got the bye.

Table 1-The Captain vs. Tabasco. Game 1 Cappy tempos Tabasco out. The ending was a grafted Reveillark swinging for the win with protected by Matsu-Tribe Sniper. Game 2 Tabasco went to Paris and then started speaking French. A double-kicked Cetavolver may have been involved. Sawtooth Thresher became a 6/6. Hot Sauce is crying now. It is sad.

Table 2-Swizz-Dizzle vs. TooSarcastic.
Game one TooSarcastic keeps a four land hand and then draws seven lands in a row. Swizz get that one. Game two Swizz mounts a aliant deenes but is stuck on 3 land for too long. Silver Knight and Kami Ancient Law, combined with Whipgrass Entangler finally get there, despite multiple bounce spells. Game three Swizz unmorphs a Zombie Cutthroat turn four on the play. The race is on. Unfortunately for TooSarcastic his Spined Basher is cacked before he can eqiup the Runed Stalactite. Frost Raptor and Mercurial Kite come down in support. TooSarcastic drops Conclave Equanaut to stem the air force, but Swizz rips removal off the top and comes in for lethal.

Table 3-CBG vs. Scoop_phase. Scoop made 7 land drops in a row. That is bad. In game 2, CBG managed to create a whole bunch of dudes and alpha strike through Magnigoth Treefolk for the win.

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