Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lorwyn Rotisserie Strategy

I am posting this a scant hour prior to doing my first Rotisserie draft ever. No idea if these ideas will play out as I expect, but that's why I'm posting it now; so I won't be tempted to rewrite it when I'm wrong. I wasn't looking to point out the best tribal cards for each tribe, just the ones that may prove to be good signals for drafters. The "Other Drafters May Hate" section is to remind myself what cards I will need to take more highly to avoid them being stolen from me.

Elementals 35 total

Signal Picks: Ashling the Pilgrim, Horde of Notions I guess, Smokebraider, Incandescent Soulstoke

Other drafters may hate: Everything! All the non-red elementals are great.

Two ways to go here. Awesome five color elementals or aggressive red (splash blue?) beats. 5-color seems unviable, since you need Shriekmaw and Mulldrifter-caliber cards to make it worth it. Good luck with that, Fugie. On the upside, you have about 12 cheap red Elementals that no one else (maybe giants are the exception?) will ever care about. Can it be a full deck? Doubt it. Stay away unless it’s handed to you. And grab the red removal HIGH.

Elves 24 total

Signal Picks: Elvish Promenade, Immaculate Magistrate, Imperious Perfect, Wren's Run Packmaster,

Other drafters may hate Nath's Elite, Nath of the Gilt-Leaf, Masked Admirers, Gilt-Leaf Ambush, Eyeblight's Ending

Good news: plenty of scalable playables that no one else will care about. The only reason people will be hating you is because some of the high end elves are so good on their own that a treefolk or goblin deck might splash for them. But realistically they probably have better things to take. Bad news: You have no natural removal. You die to any mass removal spell, and you will be playing against all of them, even the rares. Is your splash color black for certain? What about red?

Goblins 27 total

Signal Picks: Mad Auntie, Wort, Boggart Auntie, Fodder Launch

Other drafters may hate: Warren Pilferers, Caterwauling Boggart, Stinkdrinker Daredevil, Tarfire

Lots of ‘em, most of them are useless to other tribes, and they come with their own built in removal. Seems strong. But don’t expect to get any other non-goblin removal spells. Black and red will both be at a premium. Keep an eye out to see if this is open.

Treefolk: 16 total

Signal Picks: Doran, the Siege Tower, Dauntless Dourbark, Timber Protector,

Other drafters may hate: Cloudcrown Oak, Lignify, Rootgrapple

So nobody wants your good stuff. Rootgrapple murders all five planeswalkers and it might go late. But you’ve only got 16 total treefolk spells! What are you going to play in your deck? A lot of changelings and removal I hope. Good luck with that. If you draft good stuff early, this mught a good audible if Doran and Dourbark are still around. The other stuff you will want should go even later. Take your mana fixing high, then too.

Kithkin: 22 total

Signal Picks: Wizened Cenn, Thoughtweft Trio, Militia's Pride?

Other drafters may hate: Kinsbaile Balloonist, Goldmeadow Harrier, Galepowder Mage, Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile, Kithkin Greatheart, Plover Knights,

Okay so some assumptions. You’re obviously a gamblin’ man, because you will need to be mono-white maybe with a light splash for removal to have any chance of this deck working. And merfolk and giants want lots of your best stuff. But if you get it together (maybe with some blue bounce?) you will be kicking ass. God help your opponents if you used your first pick for Mirror Entity.

Merfolk 22 total

Signal Picks: Drowner of Secrets, Merrow Reejerey, Summon the School,

Other drafters may hate: Stonybrook Angler, Silvergill Douser

Faeries may hate your doods. They like a lot of the early drops to hold the ground, and you will be playing against your own Stonybrook Angler and Silvergill Douser if you don’t take them early enough. The good news is there are plenty of playables. Plenty. This will be one of the more robust decks (but watch out for the all rare mass removal floating around), and somebody’s going to draft it. Grab your blue bounce and white removal highly. Not a bad tribe to be in.

Faeries: 19 total

Signal Picks: Wydwen, the Biting Gale, Scion of Oona, Mistbind Clique

Other drafters may hate: Faerie Trickery, Marsh Flitter, Oona's Prowler, Peppersmoke, Sower of Temptation, Pestermite?

Man, everybody wants your goodies! Expect a fight unless they’re wide open. You will need to be drafting the Fae pretty high, with a few exceptions. Go all in. Keep an eye on the black removal, and blue instants lest they dry up.

Giants 16 total

Signal Picks: Thundercloud Shaman, maybe Stinkdrinker Daredevil.

Other drafters may hate: Cloudgoat Ranger, Brion Stoutarm, Axegrinder Giant

Seems really bad. I mean really bad. Don’t do it. Can you live until turn seven? I hope so. Draft Kinsbaile Balloonist, Goldmeadow Harrier, Knight of Meadowgrain, and Kithkin Greatheart. You’d have a decent deck then. Or cheap goblins. It’s bad when your tribe needs another tribe to make it any good.


There are 19 of these guys in Lorwyn. Of those, 16 are absolutely maindeck material, while the other 3 are merely playable. Expect to take these pretty high. Green only has 2, while blue has 5, so keep it in mind if you are nudged toward Merfolk or Faeries (or Treefolk or Elves).

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