Saturday, March 22, 2008

March 22 CBG's Basement B&R List Announcement

As of Friday, March 28th the following card is legal in CBG's basement in all Constructed and Limited formats.


The DCI banned list still applies, so if we ever have an Extended tourney in the basement, Clamp stays home.

Also, Sensei's Divining Top is on the watch list for EDH games. This is solely due to unnecessarily slowing down an already glacial format. Input?


The Captain said...

Agree on clamp, but i don't think that top needs to go anywhere- people just need to stop taking forever with it. It's edh, not the pro tour. Make your decision in a timely manner, and if that leads to a mistake every once in a long while, so be it. It's a casual format. Deal with it.

Matt said...

Can we kill people who take too long? No offense to Captain but I would like to hear other opinions on this. How do others feel?

TooSarcastic said...

I think it's dumb to have to do this, but if it's that big of a deal, can't we put down a time limit? I've never pwned a top, so I don't know how long it could take, but it seems like a good 30 seconds should do it. More than that and you lose your next turn.

Also, one way to look at Top activations (for those of you who might not appreciate The Captain's "casual format" advice) is to consider that tight play will help solve delays far more than half assed play. More than half the time the Top spinner has already seen two of the cards prior to the activiation. So, how long can it take to incorporate the third card into your analysis of the board? Be thinking about those other two cards you've seen PRIOR to acivating your Top at the end of your opponent's turn. Also, if you have had a shuffle effect, be thinking about the sort of card that would be the best (and the worst) for you to see from your deck right now. Do this PRIOR to spinning. Then when you spin, you can more quickly decide how useful the three cards will be and in what order. This is just tight play. And it speeds things up.

The Captain said...

I agree with you, mr. sarcastic. I wasn't trying to encourage people not to care if they botch things. Just trying to say that this isn't a life-altering decision. So please, all- spin your top in a timely fashion.

It's common courtesy!

coyoeuglly said...

[quote]I've never pwned a top, so I don't know how long it could take, but it seems like a good 30 seconds should do it.


I did the math a couple weeks ago for extended play testing purposes. I wanted to know how long it took per Top activation. This way I could determine if it was time efficient to include Tops in varies decks do to the 50 minute time limited on PTQ matches. I did this by timing multiple diffrent people playing and activating Top over various play testing sessions. Sometimes with and without there knowledge to see if it effected results.

My conclusion was that each single activation of the first ability on Top takes approximately 15 minutes.

Or in Laymen's Terms the same amount of time need to resolve a Brainstorm.

major_luck said...

Let's be perfectly honest, it's not about top or how long it takes to resolve the ability. It was realy about the difference of a top being in a scapel versus a hammer type of deck. In my Dromar deck, resolving each spin of the top very much was like brainstorm. By contrast, top in CBGs UG build is about smoothing the flow of lands versus controlling the flow of answers into an already overfilled hand (Not all of us can draw three cards per turn and make the top irrelevent).

Also when you have to wait more than ten minutes between turns, you tend to forget what was where, @ 1AM. There is more than enough blame for slow play to go around that night. It is not my fault that UG lacks answers.

Matt said...

I probably deserved that.

M_L, you are not the only reason I wanted hear opinions about Top. But I appreciate your honesty and you are absolutely right that I am playing an underpowered deck in EDH right now. Sounds like people agree that Top is fine. I am satisfied.