Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ready for a change.

Fugie has gotten us some Lorwyn boxes for rock-bottom prices, and I couldn't be happier. The same skill testing that caused some other bloggers unmitigated success with Xth draft pretty much relegated my performance to mediocrity. I don't know why. I had drafted Xth about 10 times when Quentin Martin finally ran his Xth walk-through draft, and I still had no idea why he thought any of the cards he picked were any good. Card evaluation with expert level sets is somehow different; everybody starts on the same naive ground and works their way forward. With base sets I get all fouled up by having played with the cards (in different environs) since 95. Last weekend I went to a final Xth edition sealed event and went an awful 1-2-1. I'm just finished. I used up all my Xth packs drafting and I won't draft it no more. I have not been very excited by Lorwyn thus far, but have not actually played with any of the cards yet. I imagine having a couple boxes of product tomorrow night will help me get into the mood.
In a totally unrelated aside, those for a taste of double geekitude in other environs might want to track down Jacob London's track "Interest Rates Just Fell Again (the Sound Republic Lost In Translation Mix)." I just got done watching Episodes 1-3 of Star Wars again and I swear somewhere on Tatooine there are two beat-up service droids that make this abrasive, techy funk music while their master sleeps. All the other droids are dancing...


Scoop_Phase said...

I'm with you TS. I drafted Xth online last night and I thought I had a great deck. I was U/w with Platy, Serra Angel, B. Squad, Boomerang, Cancel, remove soul, story circle, and 6 other flyers. I lost in round 2 to a guy with recurring Thrall Surgeon and mind rot. I know I'm not on your guys level with this game but I can't believe I lost to that.

I won the first game with Platy. Game 2 I have Platy and a Windreader in play. I'm at -1 life. He has no flyers or spiders and 10 mana untapped with a thrall surgeon in play. I swing for the win, he pops the thrall to take out the remove soul I was holding. Then plays Tangle Spider with giant growth and beats me. It was amazing luck for him since I was looking at his draws for two turns with the windreader and neither were the spider or growth.
Game 3 he drops the surgeon on turn 2, pops him to rip the platy out of my hand on turn 3, gravedigger turn 4 to get back the surgeon, and then pops him again turn 5 to get my serra all because I can't find a second plains. Then he mind rots me turn 6 to get my double strike flyer and my mystic. I die a horrible death to gravedigger beats and some other 2/2's. It was just great luck for him to have the hand disruption early and for me not to find a 2nd plains for the entire match while I hold an entire hand of double-white dudes.

And for more bad luck; I also played in the xth sealed this weekend. I open story circle with my best white creature a mystic and no flyers. I open overrun with my biggest green creature a grizzly bear. My only fatties were a pair of 4/3 hasty giants in red. I play my first round opponent three games. He eventually goes on to place either first or second btw. Game one I win on an overrun. Game two I overrun to get him to 1. He has a stalking tiger with a cloak on so its a race. I have three cards left in my library thanks to my flute. Of those last three cards, one is a land, one is a recover (shock and overrun in the yard), and one is an essence drain. Which one do you think I draw? Yea, the land. He wins with his tiger the next turn.
Sometimes I like to marvel at the horrible luck I have.

major_luck said...

I too am growing tired of Xth. Yeah I know how ironic that is, but with my recent lackluster pull for the sealed this past weekend, I am done with Xth. Apparently I can open the nuts for our Tuesday night casual sealed league, but can't get two good creatures in the same color in a sealed event. Bring on Lorwyn.