Thursday, May 8, 2008

Shadowmoor Sealed, Week 1

What a difference a week makes. Last week there were very few people (or so I’ve been told) and this week there were at least eight of us by 6 pm. I just guess a new set will do that, but I am also inclined to believe people are sick of Morningtide/Lorwyn sealed.

This week I opened fairly well, a solid Red/Green deck, with the possibility to tap into some White/Green cards if necessary. Without further ado, here is what I played this past Tuesday.

Blistering Dieflyn
Bloodmark Mentor (2)
Boggart Arsonists
Boggart Ram-Gang
Crabapple Cohort
Cultbrand Cinder
Elvish Hexhunter
Juvenile Gloomwidow
Kulrath Knight
Mossbridge Troll
Sootwalkers (2)
Tatermunge Duo

Fists of the Demigod
Jaws of Stone
Puncture Bolt
Tower Above (2)
Trip Noose

Mountain (9)
Forest (7)
Reflecting Pool

A couple of quick comments about some card selections. Blistering Dieflyn is very sub optimal and is the 16th guy in the deck. Also for those who are not aware, Tower Above is amazing!!!

Overall the deck was fairly aggressive and was able to push past the slower more controlling decks as needed. The toughest match up was against Mark’s Red/Green deck as he had way more removal than I could handle (something about getting Puncture Bolted three times in one game). As far are the rest of the games that I saw, I do vaguely remember the Captain getting blown out by Prison Term coming down on his 4/4 indestructible lifeline critter enabling her to swing for just enough, but I’ll let the Captain tell the story of how he got beat down by a girl (no offense to Kerstin as her game play has improved dramatically over the past few months and she has the potential to beat any person at any time).

Here is the pack for next week (I currently can’t find the rest of my pool, but it should turn up):

Safehold Duo
Medicine Runner
Ghastly Discovery
Wildslayer Elves
Prismwake Merrow
Crimson Wisps
Viridescent Wisps
Boggart Ram-Gang
Trip Noose
Sapseep Forest
Dusk Urchins
Smash to Smithereens (foil)

Until next time, may the mana gods not hate you.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Thanks Major. I hope they stop hating me too. My deck is good. Now, if only I can open a Steel Godhead (a/k/a the Metal Penis). That would be awesome.