Friday, May 2, 2008

CBG likes video blogging...

...or vlogging, as the kids say. Stupid kids. Fugie is hosting a release draft at the store tonight, just as this post goes up. Fugie is crazay. Wish I could be there, but my sleep brain needs rest.

Here is my super awesome post for the week.

So what do you say? Would everybody quit Magic if the wrappers were recyclable? I say nay, but only if they don't reprint Masques block. Frickin' Masques block.


And here's a special bonus. I am in the process of cleaning out my attic and I found a short story which I wrote in high school. I found it amusing, and present it here to you, without commercial interruption.


TooSarcastic said...

I take... Eyeblight's Ending. Video is cool when it is not just one person talking!

Matt said...

I'd almost rather take the Summon the School there. I'm not super fond of black in Lorwyn and the presence of Eyeblight's ensures that the AC won't be taken til seat 3 at the earliest. But I probably take the removal.

Defender in Exile said...

I might take the AC and try to slide into MWKithkin. Especially as EE doesn't kill shapeshifters.

This is the old "no wrong threats" philosophy.