Sunday, February 3, 2008

Why does God reward the sinful?

As I'm sure you know, I can't stand just cracking packs for no good reason. I bought the cards, I should at least have the opportunity to play with the commons before filing them away for forever. I'm a religious guy and it just seems like a sin. Well, today is the exception. With a release tourney full of casual players hungry for the new set, I decided to open a few packs prior to going. Even the crap rares are worth more today and there's a much better chance someone will actually want to trade for them at the store today than a week from today. Rip open the first pack: Murmuring Bosk. Alright! I have no desire to play Doran, but it's about 15-20ish right now, and will probably be going down quick. Hopefully I will find a taker today! Out of the second pack comes- Vendilion Clique. One of about ten cards in the set that are actually worth more than five bucks, and it might get in my faries deck. Either way, great! Pack three - Primal Beyond. Eh, better than bulk. Can't win em all, regress to the mean, etc. etc. Pack four, ready for it- Mutavault! What's this? Foily Bitterblossom too! Ahhh! Best Morningtide pack evarrr! I have trade goods for the tourney off of four packs!

I have to crack packs more often.