Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Fugitive Wizards

Fugie and I are totally starting our own vintage team. No, you probably can't be in it. It takes a special (I mean that in every sense of the word) combination of play ability, bad ideas, roguishness, sense of humor, fatalism, self confidence, willingness to spill tech all over the internet and good hair to be on our team. So far, the big team organization focus has been t-shirt slogans. Here's what we've come up with so far...
Spilling tech since 2007

Knowing the format is loose.

Internet discussion is always preferable to testing

Turn 1. Take 13, go.

CBG's Basement=Tech

What do you think our t-shirts should say?


The Captain said...

Front- The Fugitive Wizards

Back- Seriously, we only cost one blue.

Matt said...

How about "I'd tap that."

Defender in Exile said...

I can't beat either one of those.

Scoop_Phase said...

2 men, 1 cup.


You're only friends until your nuts touch...then you're Fugitive Wizards!

Matt said...

Um, thanks Scoops. Those are very interesting ideas. You should come draft at the house this week.

coyoeuglly said...

ah man

I heart scoop_phase

Scoop_Phase said...

If you're drafting this Friday I can make it.