Friday, June 13, 2008

Do I Have Fans?

Oh, yes I do!

So how was yr Regionals? Harry Potter didn't get there. Oh well. At least we all have a chance to win the car this year as Sam Black made top 4. Dude ripped it up in the sides last year. Actually, if I were him, I'd go do that again. He won like $30,000 worth of stuff last year. He's unlikely to do that well in the main event, given the dismal prize structure for Nationals. Unless they have improved the prizes this year?

I had fun. People were very confused by the whole "not playing" thing. I would have played either Reveillark or Merfolk. There was a ton of Merfolk and only one made it into the top 4. I was half right in my prediction as it was 2 Elves (GB midrange), 1 Faeries and 1 Merfolk getting the slots.

I finally got to vindicate something and woo lemme tell ya. That's some fun shit. Reaper King is pretty awesome in duel, I say . Not good, per se, but awesomely fun to play. In multiplayer, my prediction also proved true. He gets killed a lot. Hey, you know something else? Clockspinning doesn't remove RFG counters from yr general, because RFG counters aren't part of the game! Ass.


So that pathetic excuse for an explanation of the Vintage bannings from last week did not stand. Turian and Lauer took a stab at it this week and I have to say, that's quite a bit better. Not only did they go into more detail on the Flash (uncontroversial), Merchant Scroll (uncontroversial), Gush (uncontroversial) and Brainstorm (mildly controversial) restrictions, but they dropped quite a few pixels on exploring the Ponder (what the fuck? Ponder? was the dominant BB theme over the last two weeks) execution. The relevant line is right at the end.
Having the most efficient unrestricted deck manipulation card left in the format be a sorcery would inherently power up combo decks (which don't mind tapping mana on their own turn) while hurting the control decks (which really don't want to tap mana on their own turn) that are important for keeping the overall health of the format in balance.
This is a line of argument I understand and can believe. Four Force of Will is supposedly the glue that holds the format together, which is a fancy way of saying control should have a seat at the table. Leaving Ponder out there (a less powerful spell due to it's timing) actually preferentially helps combo, an effect they are trying to avoid. Fine. So why did that take two weeks?


Anybody got a Workshop list I can borrow?


My most recent convo with DJTS:

TooSarcastic: Hey man. Do you like to party?

Captain Bondage Goth: It's Milwaukee in the summertime, man! Of course I like to party!

TS: We should party this weekend.

CBG: I am getting a cold.

TS: You fucking loser.

CBG: I know.

At least, that's all I remember through my sinus pressure induced haze.


Happy Father's Day. I hope you all have fun out there. I was gonna have a draft at my house, but given my relationship with the weather right now (as in, I am feeling under it), I think I am gonna pass. You should build a new EDH in the meantime. And figure out a Grinders deck, will ya?

1 comment:

coyoeuglly said...

1. Sam won the car at Worlds.

2. Ponder is feces.

3. 4x Workshop + Artifacts.

4. "TS: You fucking loser." {t}

5. Life gain.