Friday, August 15, 2008


I am kind of looking forward to Shards of Alara, even if it does have cats with tits. Honestly, I know those artists study anatomy. What is up with the cats with tits?

So I am one of those guys who doesn't like checking out the unofficial spoilers. I know this puts me in the distinct minority in the present playgroup but there's something tremendously fun for me about cracking packs and reading cards for the first time. I am fairly certain that I would quit Magic if they stopped printing new sets. Opening packs at a prerelease and reading every card (even though I know I should just be sorting by color as fast as I can) is the bomb. It's fun to categorize (here's the new naturalize, I can't believe they printed a 5/5 flyer that draws cards for 5 in blue (actually I can believe that) here's a bear, etc...) as they come fresh from the pack. I totally understand the impulse for spoilers but for me, the prerelease is my one chance to understand the set in a pure way, uncolored by other people's perceptions. I get to experience it as entirely my own. I wish they were able to release a set 100% spoiler-free sometime, but if wishes were horses, we'd all smell like horseshit. That's all for this week.



Defender in Exile said...

I wish they properly studied anatomy so we could see cat people with 18 tits!

Matt said...


Tabasco said...
