Monday, August 11, 2008

Cube 3.0 Owners Spreadsheet

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the-

Major_Luck spent most of last weekend entering the new Cube data (including who owns what) into an .xls document, so now we have ownership of the majority of the cards ironed out. I have put the data into a Google Doc and published it, so now anyone can see not only the Cube cards, but also information about ownership, premium cards, card color, even converted mana cost! Big thanks to Major_Luck for his help here. It would have taken me two months just to stop procrastinating.
We have a large number of cards that were cut that need to be returned to their owners. I will be doing this as I see people in the next few weeks. If you loaned a card that is no longer in the Cube and it isn't among the cards you receive back, contact me.
When viewing the document you will notice that there are still a few cards that do not have identified owners. I have perused the list and many of these are mine, but not all. If you are one of the half dozen people who contributed cards and see that one of the cards you loaned is not credited to you, please let me know. Obviously if you see something that is not accurate let me know about that as well.
As a Google document people all over the web can do all the neat stuff that you can do with any spreadsheet. Want to check the average casting cost of all the White cards in the Cube? You can do that! How many creatures does Blue really have? Just sort by color and then creature! Unfortunately, it looks like document that is published by Google cannot be manipulated (which is good, obviously we don't want some joker in the Czech Republic messing up all the work Dan did, just for laughs), but it also means that all the cool analytical stuff can only be done by collaborators. You need to have a Google account to be collaborator, so you can sign in to the document. If you own cards in the Cube and want to play around with this stuff I would suggest signing up and then emailing me so that I can add you to the collaborators list. It makes discussing cuts, adds and Cube balance one hell of a lot easier. Plus you can sort by the owner name, so it makes finding out which cards you actually own really simple.
Questions or suggestions on how we can make this system work better- let me know. I think we've got a pretty nice resource now. All we need to do is update it when changes occur and we should be in good shape for Eventide additions and beyond.



The Captain said...

cards i know to be mine: P deed, protean hulk, tooth and nail, decree of pain, aegis of honor, mind twist and rule of law.

Cards I believe I put in during our build session, and i know are mine if they are not yours, T.:night of souls betrayal, pandemonium, taurean mauler, chord of calling, cream of the crop, Braids, entomb, graveborn muse and debtor's knell.

Please get back to me (via email or whatever) as to which of these you own.

Tabasco said...

The spelling of my name is "Tabasco" not tobasco

Matt said...

The spelling of your name is T-O-N-Y. Try being named Adarkar or Llanowar sometime if you think Tabasco is bad.

The Captain said...

More like YOU should be named Adarkar, since you're such a waste!

Oooohhhhhh, sick burn!

TooSarcastic said...

Captain, I believe that all the cards that you mentioned are yours- save Taurean Mauler. I remember putting one in there at some point. I will get the database changed to reflect your ownership.