Sunday, July 6, 2008

Victory is MINE!

I decided to wait until after Saturday Night Magic to post since I'd actually have something other than grab bag to post about. I finally cracked my losing streak in constructed, going 2-2. I decided to play Fugie's UW control list. I highly recommend having Ancestral Visions in your opening hand. I don't recommend getting stuck on 2 land vs. faeries.

I lost round 1 vs Harry Potter, playing Block Faeries. By the time my Visions was resolving, he had a spellstutter sprite and mana to play it through my Rune Snag. All else is irrelevant. Game 2, he did the tempo thing, though I had one turn to topdeck either Wrath or a Cryptic Command to win. I did stick Oona against him, but just couldn't untap, because he ripped a Scion to do like 18 in one turn. Man faeries is good. Not that I can win with it, but still. I'll be curious if this briefly drops me below 1500. I don't think so because Harry's Constructed rating is through the roof, what with Regionals Top 8 and all.

Round 2, I won vs someone playing Blink with a lot of four drops. Most of his deck was completely useless against me, and he got stuck on 3 land in game 1. Not that Redcaps are the least bit relevant. I definitely resolved turn 4 and 5 Ancestral Visions and damn does that card feel like cheating. I wish I could borrow a Vintage deck for Chicago.

Round 3, I won vs another someone playing GW Oversoul. You know what else is good? Cryptic Command. Note to random dude. Pro:Blue does not mean cannot be countered. Because it can, sorry. Also does not mean "Cannot be tapped by Cryptic Command". Because it can, sorry. He got me game 2 after I stabilized at 4 and couldn't find a wrath, nor hit enough cards off Oona. Play mistake: You actually name White vs. Oversoul. They play some monowhite cards, but no monogreen. Weird.

Round 4, I lost vs coyoeuglly playing block Kithkin. I almost conceded to him, because honestly? Foregone conclusion. There was a point where I could have made it, having stuck Oona, but Kithkin plays 26 land or some such thing. What a weird aggro deck.

So there you go, absolute proof that even bad players can win at Constructed. I love the silence that greeted my admission that my Constructed win percentage is well below 40%. Shocking, I know. I guess this tourney will bring that up.


The Captain said...

Limited is more important anyway.

I'm down for some fun, for sure.

Jonathan Brostoff said...

tonight was pwnge, good stuff man, good stuff!

coyoeuglly said...

Our games were actually pretty close despite whatever CBG claims.

It basically came down to me needing to top deck a guy (I did). Or CBG making one more token (he didn't). If either of those go the other way, he wins.