Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Soo tired...

Last night The Captain, Tabasco and I spent four hours collecting, compiling and editing the newest version of our Cube. We decided to go with 540 cards and just make some cuts when we add Eventide later on. I wish I had a list ready to go for everyone, but I would have been up all night. I went with the theory that some sleep is better than no sleep. Judging by how I feel this morning I'm not so sure. I wish I could tell you that we got wild and crazy with all sort of liquor and hookers but the process was one of sober calculation, collaboration, and occasional ridicule. I will attempt to post the Cube 3.0 list prior to Draftstravaganza 3: Legend of the Cube, for obvious reasons.

In the meantime, we are still looking for a few cards: Masticore (the elder), Diamond Valley (heh), and oddly, Demigod of Revenge. The ones I had got stolen at Nats along with a shitload of other Shadowmoor rares. We were still looking for The Captain's Tooth and Nail and his Decree of Pain at the end of the night too. If you have any of these cards and are willing to lend them to the Cube, we'd be much obliged. I think you'll find this iteration more powerful and larger, just like Tabasco promised.

Lightning Bug vs. Firefly- fight!


major_luck said...

I've got the Masticore, Demigod of Revenge, & the Decree of Pain. By the way, Demigod of Revenge was the prerelease Promo.

Matt said...

Is the template haxx0red for anyone else? Or is it just me? I happen to prefer the nonprerelease art for DoR, but I don't know if I have one. Will check. 19!



Matt said...

Checking template from a different computer, and apparently...just me. I'd like to take a moment to thank the triumvirate for their laborious, um, labor in bringing us Cube 3.0. May it be drafted again and again.

The Captain said...

Found the stack of cards we lost, so i'll send them with tony.