Friday, July 11, 2008

A bag for grabbing

The Eventide Prerelease is this weekend. I will not be attending, despite the fact that it is going to be the last "big" prerelease, at least for a while. I desperately hope some venue in Milwaukee steps up to the plate and starts hosting some more local prereleases. I love prereleases, but my family situation makes it pretty difficult to blow an entire day on Magic. A smaller, closer venue would help a lot on that front. I would imagine the pros of local prereleases outweigh the cons of losing the festival atmosphere of the current status quo.


Michael Weston.dec is gonna have to rely on Fugie for support this week. I was gonna go, but I am some few cards short and a familial obligation came up. I think it has a really solid chance in the current metagame. I have been saying for quite a while that the deck that can profitably play Wrath in this environment has a really solid chance. It just has to get there vs. Faeries. My hope is that the addition of Eventide and the shift into Phelddagrif colors will help it get there. The goodies are legion. Also, if you are going to the prerelease, I can guarantee buyers for 2 playsets of the UG cairn land. Just saying.


I was playing the new Girl Talk album Feed the Animals at Draftstravaganza. If you've never heard Girl Talk, it's kind of hard to explain. Basically, he makes party music by sampling hundreds of tracks. Not entirely new, but definitely awesome. Here's a sample.

Set It Off - Girl Talk

You can download Feed the Animals for the payment of your choice at Illegal Art.


I've begun acquiring packs for a wacky pack draft. It sounds like we are going to start dueling draftstravaganzas between TS and CBG. I have plans to crush TS's draftstravaganza like a bug. I will, however bring the Rav set and the Carroll draft packs like I promised.


Is anybody interested in wacky constructed formats? Like auction? I would be willing to put decks together (probably extended) if we wanted to do that sometime. Re:Standard, I agree with Tabasco. It blows.


Tabasco said...

I definitely downloaded the album, because I enjoyed the music on sunday. It has a good beat, my kind of music.

TooSarcastic said...

Girl Talk is fucking outrageous. This will appeal to blueblood hipsters and thugs from around the way. This record is like the Avalanches for MySpacers. I mean that as a compliment. Is this a Magic blog?

Oh yeah.

I am interested in wacky constructed formats! Let's fucking do an auction sometime. If we make it peasant or pauper it ain't as powerful but it could still be just as fun, depending on the decks, and then the deck possibilities are wide open.


The Captain said...

What exactly is auction in reference to constructed magic?