Thursday, January 31, 2008

Vintage thought

Hey Captain! I realize G is so much better for Gobs than B, but wow. This seems like, rilly good. Prowl is 1B with Warchief on the table. Or am I reading the rules wrong? Judge!


Matt said...

Example: Turn 1 Lackey,
Turn 2 hit with Lackey, drop Warchief, play Earwig squad with Prowl (molest combo)
Turn 3, I kill you now.

Defender in Exile said...

I believe it works the way you want, plus with moxen you can get there on t2 consistently. Seems like a good board card to me.

Matt said...

Sure, but then the question is...3 color? Really? Like Wastelands aren't rough enough when we still have basics? The green was huge for me on Sunday. I would have been 0-2, 0-4 without it.

Defender in Exile said...

With bloodstained mires, you can run 1 swamp and be ok.

coyoeuglly said...

Personally if I had access to Goblins again I would cut all the Rishdian Ports (if you were playing them, my last list ran 2) and most of the Wastelands and play 3 colors. I would also play all 5 moxes lotus petal black lotus and try my damnedest to squeeze in 4 of the new Goblin Warchief. Playing him on turn 1 seems insane.

Yes the prowl cost gets reduced with a Warcheif in play... If you read prowl it specifically says "play" in the reminder text.

Matt said...

Are you talking about Frogtosser Banneret? You know he doesn't give everybody Haste right? I'll post about my list a little later. I basically gave up the ichorid matchup in the board to hopefully improve the Red Workshop and combo matchup. We'll see.

coyoeuglly said...

yea but that guy is still ridiculous. Functionally he is somewhere between Goblin Lacky and Warcheif.

Tabasco said...

I wouldn't play all of the moxen- the three on color with petal, crypt and lotus seem fine though. TSH is waaaayyyy to good to cut and earwig squad is just stupid ridiculous. Banneret is interesting both in that it combats spheres and makes for dumb early hardcast ringleaders and seige gang. Personally, i had been testing a white splash in gobs for a one of mirror entity, but morningtide makes black seem better...

The Captain said...

sweet mother of god that last tabasco was me again. I really need to start checking for his dumbass login before i go posting.