Monday, January 28, 2008

For Those of You That Probably Don't Care

At the T1 TK and Owen may or may not have split the finals (I don't know I left before they figured out what they were doing). Ash Ketchum finished 3rd and Tyler finished 4th. I scrubbed TFW scrubbed and I believe CBG didn't do much better.


Scoop_Phase said...

Who is TK?

Matt said...

Tommy Kolowith. I finished 1-2, but I refuse to call it a scrub. I had fun.

Defender in Exile said...

I went 1-2. My win was in round 1 versus Coyote, In round two I lost both games when I'd untap for the win. In round three, I won game one on turn 2, and he had the nuts in games 2 and 3.

Matt said...

And TK won.

The Captain said...

I ended the tournament 4-2, with my losses being flash and ichorid. That's what happens when you let your guard down on graveyard hate...the ichorid match was a close three, but the in the flash match i mulliganed more times than i got turns in the match. That doesn't seem right for some reason....

either way, i still feel that the deck i was playing is very solid. I need to fix the sidebaord though...