Friday, September 19, 2008

Return of the King

What? I'm not the king? Fugie is a better writer than me and TooSarcastic is like unto a literary god? Yeah, well, f*ck all y'alls! Man, I wish I had gone to grad school in Atlanta. I love saying y'all. So what did i learn during my little unannounced vacation (also, I just made up the fact that it was a vacation. I am actually just lazy)? Well, I learned that I am going to miss the big prerelease again despite the fact that it is on my birthday weekend. I learned that drafting SSE at the store is fun because people there still don't realize how ridiculous monored is. Fugie already posted about his 3-1 with monored. Mine had a happier ending due to awesome breakers. Hey people! Giantbaiting is not trash. At least, not under the ten 1-2cc creatures condition. 8 damage on turn 3 is hot. Especially followed by burn. Also, Steel of the Godhead is stupid.

What else did I learn? Umm, I learned that I would like to start playing with some monocolored cards. I started playing in 9th edition (return of the pain lands) and even I am fucking sick of reliable 3-5 color Good Stuff decks. So of course we have the 3 color block now. And blue is sick. Thank god for maindeck naturalize. Not that you'll ever get to resolve one. The nice thing about that planeswalker that breaks Vintage is...wait, did I start to say there was something nice about that? Oh yeah, at least you have to pay full price. For your one card combo that wins the game. Hope yr playing island, asshole.

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