Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bladders Empty?

So, I take it that the pissing match is over. Fugie wonders why I haven't posted in more then a month (I used to believe that October thru March was my busy period at work with reduced production volumes & greated demands to schedule in annual maintenance work and capital projects, but now it seems that it is always very busy). Being busy is only part of it.

With the very vocal and very public break up of Fugie and coyoeugly earlier this summer and the recent pissing match about racism and "imappropriate" analogies I have no longer been motivated to play MTG much less post about it. As anyone who goes to olde fart night can attest to, I used to be part of the core group that showed up every week reguardless. And now I haven't gone more then three consecutive weeks in a row since April or March (by the way I missed yesterday).

I know better then to promise that I'll post next week, after the new Shards league starts, but you'll all have to wait until then to find out.

Until next time, may the mana gods not throw a temper tantrum in the soup isle


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